2023 Archive: Exam Hall
Start at START!
Check in at the main info point to find out what's on, pick up a map, and START your visit!
Solving society's challenges together
CHARM-EU and TORCH: New Research-Based Educational Approaches for Solving the Challenges of Tomorrow. Join us at the CHARM-EU/TORCH stand and embark on an exciting journey of problem-solving. Experience the power of transdisciplinary collaboration as you engage in a hands-on 10 minute interactive challenge. Dive into the world of CHARM-EU/TORCH and explore innovative solutions to global challenges. Unleash your creativity and be a part of shaping a brighter future together.
Línte na Farraige
View the Línte na Farraige exhibition about a series of light installations across Irish coastal sites which reveal the risks of rising seas and storm surges and demonstrate the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, to lower the line and adapt together to protect our coastlines. This project is a symbiosis of art and science, inspired by the astonishing light installations from Finnish artists Timo Aho and Pekka Niittyvirta.
Trouble’s Brewing
LEVERS is trying to reimagine how we collaborate to live and learn in a just, caring and sustainable society. We invite you to stay with the trouble for a moment and show us your vision of a future in which our ways of being and doing are radically different from today. What needs to change to get us there? Write your love letter to a microbe. Describe your ideal civil disobedience. Draw your perfect community. Reimagine education. Tell us about your favourite species to collaborate with. Rip down our consumerist society and redraw our future with rights for future generations and nature. Our researchers and artists will be on hand Friday 29th, 2-6pm, to help you explore and describe your ideas. Join us for a chat, an imagine and a nice cup of tea.
Engineering the Future of Human Health
These demonstrations will showcase strategies used to treat a range of everyday health problems from a sore back, to broken bones, and even a broken heart.
We will also show how engineers in the Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering are pushing back the frontiers of science and engineering to develop the next generation of devices utilising advanced 3D printing technologies.
Into Europe: Ireland and the EU
Visit the Into Europe exhibition to learn more about Ireland’s relationship with the EU.