Start Talking to Researchers

Join us in Trinity’s iconic Front Square for pop-up exhibitions and demonstrations!

See below for a list of the demonstrations taking place at the Library Square Gazebos, open from 16:00 – 21:00 on Friday, September 30th

Meetings with Manuscripts

Join the research theme in Manuscript, Print and Book Cultures for a range of activities for all ages, related to Trinity’s outstanding collection of old books, including colouring, games and an opportunity to see if you can read a medieval manuscript more accurately than a computer.

It's great when computers are fast, but we also need them to be safe.

Find out more about research that looks at using mathematics to demonstrate whether computer programs are safe, or to show how they might fail if they are not safe. Learn how this research is used by the European Space Agency and other Space Software companies to ensure that software does the right thing.

Making senses: how our brain perceives the world

Researchers from the Multisensory Perception and Cognition Lab will demonstrate, through the use of illusions, how our brain relies on information from multiple senses and show how information from one sense can affect perception in another sense.

Repair or Replace? Play the EVIDENT Serious Games and Solve Energy Dilemmas!

Interested in learning more about behavioral biases that impact our energy decision making? Join members of the EVIDENT project and learn more about how consumers approach energy decisions. You can also explore your own energy behaviours by playing our serious game amongst other activities.

Giving Back: Supported Volunteering for People Using Homeless Services

Come join us for a conversation about life after homelessness. We’ll have an informal coffee-morning style discussion with anyone who is interested in how supported volunteering can be used to enhance community integration. We’ll discuss how this research study was born out of a need within this community and brought together diverse organisations to co-design and deliver this pilot project.

Metal and fragrance allergy: what's happening in your skin?

Would you like to know more about skin allergy? In this hands-on event, you can come along and test your own metal objects (jewellery, coins, anything!) to see if they contain two of the most common skin allergens - nickel and cobalt. Researchers from Trinity's skin allergy research group will be on hand to help you to perform the simple experiment and answer any questions that you have. All welcome.

The anti-icing properties of polar bear hairs

Demonstrations will show the contact angle of droplets on polar bear and human hairs using a purpose built set up to show the ability of polar bears to repel water. Polar bear hair and race standard skin skis will also be raced on a small icy slope showing how the animals can use sliding as an effective mode of transport.

Measuring brain and muscle function in health and disease

A team of researchers at the Academic Unit of Neurology in TCD are studying how the brain and muscles function normally in health and abnormally in spinal cord injury and in neurological diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington's disease and multiple sclerosis. Come by the tent to meet our researchers, hear about the methods we use to measure brain and muscle signals and potentially get involved yourself!

SEURO - Scaling EUROpean citizen driven transferable and transformative digital health

SEURO will present research findings and demonstrate technologies from two EU funded horizon 2020 (ProACT and SEURO) focused on the development of digital health interventions to support older adults self-managing at home with multimorbidity. The projects with relation to the Irish context will help show the potential for digital health to advance the HSE Sláintecare plan to ‘Shift Left, Stay Left’, which aims to use technology to shift care to the community ensuring quality of care is enhanced.

Say hello to your Microbiome

Have you ever wondered what lives inside you? Your microbiome is a collection of billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that have made a home inside your body. Your mouth and intestines are two of the richest ecosystems in the body. Using our microscopes, we will give you the opportunity to take a look at some of the bacteria from your own mouth. Don’t be squeamish, we all have them!

Diversity Innovation Support Scheme

Find out more about online digital games that are used for cognitive training. Take an assessment to measure your leadership! Here more about recent research findings that could be used to improve a team's effectiveness and wellbeing.

Dr Data will see you now

This interactive game demonstrates how medical professionals work with computer scientists to better understand how the quality of the air around us affects our health. Click here to play the game and come along to the DEMOS tent at START on 30 September to meet Dr Data

Find out more about radiation therapy!

Radiation therapy is a cost-effective cancer treatment that is available to 50-60% of cancer patients, however only 1 out of 4 patients actually get offered this treatment. Talk to researchers from the School of Medicine about the benefits of radiation therapy for cancer treatment and find out more about the wide range of research in this area.

Clann Oral History Project

Talk to researchers working on an oral history project which aims to create an archive, training and mentoring tenants to become researchers for their local area, training tenants in interviewing and recording techniques in partnership with the Oral History Network of Ireland.

Get your hands into research!

This is a chance for kids to get their hands into research and do some fun experiments!

Unscramble the past

Find out more about the role of archaeologists in investigating the past in this game designed especially for children!

Broken Body? Let's engineer a new one!

Find out about medical devices used to treat a range of health problems from a sore back, to broken bones, and even to a broken heart! Learn how engineers in the Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering are pushing back the frontiers of science and engineering to develop the next generation of treatment strategies and devices using advanced 3D printing technologies to regrow rather than replace tissues.

Detective work and the earliest writing in the world!

Learn about the evolution of the cuneiform script (the earliest writing in the world) and see if you can figure out what the signs mean!

University of Sanctuary!

Talk to researchers involved with Trinity's work as a University of Sanctuary and find out more about the Trinity Centre for Forced Migration Studies. Take some time to view the Befriending Portraits in the Welcome Tent!