2023 Archive: Wednesday, September 27th

Talk with Trinity at Unit18

Join us at Unit18 in the Trinity East campus for a series of public talks on topics from local history to ageing well. No need to book and everyone is welcome!

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Trinity Arts and Humanities Festival

Join us across the week to celebrate cutting-edge research and creativity across a wide range of disciplines from literature, law and history to music and visual art!

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Into Europe: Ireland and the EU

Visit the Into Europe exhibition in the Research Village to learn more about Ireland’s relationship with the EU.

Find out more here.

King David, Innocent Blood, and Bloodguilt: An Interdisciplinary Discussion

Chaired by Neville Cox, featuring David Shepherd, Ruth Karras, Michael Kirwan, and Bridget Martin.

7 - 8PM, Trinity Long Room Hub

Research Showcases

Join us in the Research Village in Trinity’s Front Square from 2pm - 5pm for some pop-up research showcases and demos.

Find out more here.